Revealed: How These 9 Archetypal Energies Shape Every Single Aspect of Your Being…
The Cosmos Encoded You With the Blueprint of Your Destiny on the Day of Your Birth… 

You Have a Divine
Master Plan… 

You Just Haven’t Been Able
to Read It…
Until NOW…
We are so honored to be able to share this deep wisdom with you!
Ancient cultures from the Chinese and the Celts, to the Norse and the Nigerians, and nearly every other civilization known to human history share a common form of connecting with their spiritual origins for advice and guidance.

The word for this “connection point,” as it has come down to us in English, is “Oracle.”  The word comes from Latin meaning "to speak" and refers to a priest or priestess uttering a prediction or set of instructions sent through them from their deities.

For nearly 2000 years, pilgrims traveled from the far reaches of civilization to seek the guidance and insight of The Pythia, the most important and powerful woman in the ancient world, better known as the Oracle of Delphi

What most don’t know, though, is that more than 4500 years ago, in Ancient Syria, the earliest depictions of women as Oracles were being consulted as mouth-pieces of the gods. The practice was continued in one form or another in almost all cultures. And straight through to the modern-day, oracles are still being consulted throughout the world. In fact the Dalai Lama himself consults multiple living oracles in his role as spiritual leader of Tibet.
These holy women and men were meant to give advice to shape the future actions of the seekers who consulted them.  Their divinely guided advice was meant to be implemented by the seeker, or by those who had sponsored the seeker’s visit the Oracle. 

Everything from the planting of crops to the fates of nations could be, and was, informed by oracles.

And these weren’t mystical, airy-fairy, clap-trap, the great Oracles have documented historical records of uncanny accuracy.

The sacred duty of “Advisor from the gods” has been the inspiration for naming our most in-depth and insightful foray into the Cosmic system of destiny interpretation yet, designed to reveal the secrets of your purpose, from your Karma and past life influences, to the struggles and challenges of today, through to your beautiful mission here on earth, right from the date of your birth…

Because the Cosmos didn’t leave you alone with no guidance… 

She merely speaks in universal symbols and archetypes that need a bit of translation and reflection.
Welcome and Congratulations!
You may not know it yet, but you’ve let your intuition guide you here right at this very moment for the best of reasons…

To unlock a deeper look into the true essence of who you are and the destiny that lies before you more magical than anything you’ve ever experienced before!

Imagine having powerful new insights into what your strengths are in this lifetime, possible new abilities, the energetic influences surrounding you and even ways they could impact what comes next…

You see, at the exact moment of your birth you were bathed for the first time in this life, in the powerful energies of the universe. And at that incredible and magical moment you were imprinted with nine Cosmic Energies that would be your guides and companions touching every single aspect of your life.

Energies that heavily influenced who you would become today, and even more importantly… who you will become in the future.

And fortunately for us, ancient astronomers and mathematicians devised the systems to calculate those energies, and their shamans left us the meanings of those energies to interpret.  So now, we can finally “read” those Cosmic Energies based on the date of your birth and reveal exactly what the universe has in store for you.

Discover what you were born to do.

Finally uncover who and what your true essence is.

In short, your destiny can be revealed, because it has been there, waiting to be read, since you took your very first breath!

Like beginning to read as a small child, or learning a foreign language, you just had to get to the point where you could interpret, and translate the code that was put in front of you.  And through the marriage of modern technology, ancient wisdom, and good old detective work, we can help you do just that, and crack the code of your own divine blueprint!

Introducing:  Your Cosmic Destiny Oracle
As we said, there are 9 energies or symbols that make up your personal Cosmos.  Together, these symbols and the special relationship between them form what is called your Destiny Oracle.
Each symbol in your Cosmic Destiny Oracle holds an incredibly powerful insight into not only the nature of who you are, but what you can expect in the future because of it!
Your Destiny Sign - this is the Day sign that you may already be familiar with, if you remember your Cosmic Energy Profile, but here much more is revealed about it, and how it interacts with the other eight signs.

Combining this with the other symbols in your Destiny Oracle will give you a deeper and richer understanding of your purpose here on the planet!
Your Guide Sign - This is the 2nd most important sign in the Destiny Oracle and represents the main energy which steers your life! If you can relate to the concept, think of the Guide Sign as your Higher Self. Knowing what this sign is can be huge as you make decisions moving forward that can impact the direction of the rest of your life.
Your Occult Sign - also known as "The Seed of What's to Come.” You'll discover what your life can be like at its fullest potential. It's the key to your future and the subconscious hidden "super power" that you activate when you're living on purpose! Once you fully understand what this is and integrate it into your life, truly magical transformations can happen - in part because you are getting fully aligned with WHY you came here to begin with!
Your Analog Sign - this is the energy that binds you to your intuition as well as your spiritual and emotional life. It's your clue into what you're BEST at! It's your primary feminine, supportive power from the Universe that ALSO happens to provide clues into the character of the women who have an impact on your life (as above, so below!)
Your Antipode Sign - this energy represents how you act in, and interact with, the physical world around you. This is the strengthening power that drives and challenges you to be your highest and best self when you integrate it into your way of being. If you don't understand this sign, you'll constantly struggle and fight against it. When you finally "get it" - it will become your greatest strength. As you can guess, this is also the primary masculine energy the Universe has coded you with and is reflective of the men who impact your life.
The Guardians of Your Higher Power - these supporting masculine and feminine energies shed light on your past, and any karmic issues guiding you into the future. They represent how you showed up in the world in your past lives and the cosmic gifts you created to bring with you into this lifetime. (Think of them as the Yin and Yang of your Higher Power. They are both the strengths and the challenges that guide you.)
The Guardians of Your Occult Power - these energies represent the unexpected mystical energy that supports the dreams and deep inner desires of who you want to be, as well as the hidden subconscious power that is there to help expand your "mission" in this life informing how you want to show up in the world going forward. (They are the intuitive and emotional aspects of what you want to create as well as secrets you are being challenged to uncover and bring to the surface.)
In Addition to the Meanings of the Individual Energies that Make Up Your Cosmic Destiny Oracle…
Your Oracle Report Reveals the Relationships Between Your 9 Energies, How They Interact At Various Points of Your Life, and for What Purpose
  •  Your Cosmic Timeline lays out what to expect in your life over a 78-year span of time! (Hint: One of the major chunks of years focuses on the "Stuff" you brought into this life from your past lives, you'll need to be aware of this "stuff" in order to process and clear it.)
  •  Your Yin Support Pillar of Intuition, Emotion, and Magic - this is the key to exploring your supportive emotional and intuitive gifts and what you are naturally really good at - and odds are, it's not what you think :-)
  •  Your Yang Challenge Pillar of Logic, Focus, and Mission - helps you understand what the Cosmic Intention of your life is in the material world and the challenges you came here to master.
  •  And most importantly, your Cosmic Destiny Path - which can be used to see how each of the energies feeds the others to create the Cosmic Blueprint on which your life is built.  Like lightning streaking through the sky this interpretation of the signs that dominate your life illuminates your true purpose. It can give you some major insights and allow you to make calculated seemingly miraculous intuitive leaps.
Your Cosmic Destiny Path
All combined, your Cosmic Destiny Oracle report contains over 70 pages of detailed information specifically about YOU!

So you can see, there's so much to uncover!  This is the information you’ve been meant to find your entire life.

Remember, the more you understand the True Nature of your essence, the more aligned you can be. You'll overcome challenges and struggles faster and with greater ease, and you will get more out of every opportunity that awaits you!

That's why I want to send you your
Full Cosmic Destiny Oracle Report...
Think of it as the cosmic blueprint to your unique and special destiny. Like having a divine messenger whispering in your ear the next steps to take, guiding you to help navigate any rocky times ahead, and helping you fully integrate and truly appreciate the good times.

Can you imagine how this could change your life?

And why your magically divine intuition has guided you here today...

We and our researchers in lost knowledge have been plugging away at this system for years translating the ancient, often convoluted, wisdom and symbolism into real-world actionable information for the modern day. We've been working in anticipation of you showing up today...

Our programmers have been doing the complex calculations necessary to be able to quickly and accurately create your custom insights based on our researchers' reports, and our massive servers that live in the cloud are waiting to crank out your Cosmic Destiny Oracle Report in the next few minutes (in fact they're working on it as we speak).

Most people will never have the insights you're about to have into your special gifts and unique purpose... But YOU can...

And while, how you USE this powerful information is up to you we've set the intention that only those who can be trusted with this knowledge - who will nurture and champion it - could find it here.

We ask that you use it responsibly, ethically, and morally to improve your life, and the lives of those around you.

As someone who has found this lost knowledge and is in alignment with the ethical deployment of it for the highest and best good of yourself and humanity, we'd like to invite you to see "behind the curtain" of your personal energy matrix in a way you've never seen before...

To go deeper into the hidden cycles and energies than you ever thought possible.

To truly understand the workings of time and energy in the Cosmos as they relate to you and your lifetime.
you can have it all right now for just $67
You'll receive your Full Cosmic Destiny Oracle Report within minutes, and we want you to take your time to really absorb it. Sit with it for up to sixty days to fully decide.

If you find that it's too mind blowing, or if for any other reason you don't want these powerful insights, simply let us know and we'll refund your money. No questions, no hassle.

Why are we doing all this?
Why did we invest so much time and so many resources in bringing this lost knowledge of the relationships of each individual’s energies to light?

And why on earth would we give you access to the results of thousands of hours of research and calculation for only $67?

You see, when you use this ancient knowledge in your daily life, you are helping to alter the collective consciousness of the planet. You're literally strengthening the energy that is moving all around us, much like rainfall increases the power of a stream.

When you're channeling the collective energies, rather than fighting them or being a "victim" of them, the flow naturally, easily, and comfortably increases.

And when enough people are doing this, a massive "ripple effect" is formed in ourselves, our families, our communities, and ultimately in the planet as a whole.

You see there have been studies done which show that when as little as the square root of 1% of a population are energetically in sync it affects the coherence of the entire population.*

This is why sometimes you see mass outpourings of love and compassion like we saw after the tsunamis in Asia and massive hurricanes in the US.

Or, on the flip-side, this is also why there can be the mass hatred and violence we see in the world today. Enough of the population is experiencing the same energy and amplifying it, whether consciously or unconsciously.

The good news is, the Universe is wired for growth and love rather than hate and destruction, so even in the face of overwhelming odds, a small group of cosmic energy "champions," for lack of a better word, can channel and alter the energy of the planet.

And it's not important whether you believe as we do or not.

It's enough to know that by you being actively involved and making the investment in your future, it helps us all move forward to a better tomorrow.

Every life is that important, especially yours...

We hope you will join us and make the commitment to fulfill your Cosmic Destiny!
Many Blessings!

Liz & Ric Thompson
*For more on how the square root of 1% can affect the coherence of a population check out John Hagelin's, Manual for a Perfect Government, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's "1% Effect."
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